Last updated: April 24, 2023
Payment is accepted by cash or bank transfer. For those who take a course, counseling, and so on via video call, please pay by bank transfer in advance.
Bank transfer
You can pay in the same way as you send money to somebody in your country, but only in the case of using the following currencies.

Please let us know your desired currency when applying. We will let you know the information on the bank account as we reply.
On this homepage, all counseling or tuition fee are written in JPY (Japanese yen). Therefore, when you apply for lectures or counseling, we will calculate the exchange rate of that time and let you know the fee in the currency you want to pay.
Regarding conversion fee
Please understand that the conversion fee to Japanese yen is different according to the above currencies and that is included in the payment.
If you pay in a currency other than the above, please refer to the following contents.
We recommend you use “Wise (TransferWise)” when you pay from overseas to Japan other than the above currency. We have been searching for what is the best way to be paid from overseas countries though, we recommend you to use “Wise” so far.
When people usually send money abroad, they normally use the international network system of “SWIFT”, however, its conventional way needs several relaying banks. Therefore, it takes more time: 3 to 5 days, etc. till the arrival of the money., and also the commission tends to be high.
On the other hand, the sending money method of ”Wise” does not have relay banks, therefore, the time to confirm payment shortens and the commission basically is low.
That is the reason that we recommend using “Wise”. (When you use it, registration to “Wise” in advance is needed)
Please refer to the site “Wise Review (2021)” for detail.
This site is not Wise’s official website, but you will be able to understand simply the goodness of Wise. Also, there are many other websites to introduce it.
And this is the Wise’s official website: “Wise”
Of course, you can make the conventional way of sending money overseas. In any case, we will let you know our Japanese bank account so that you can send money from your country. If you have any questions about payments, please contact us.